The ‘Mansos’, the ‘Guedes’, the ‘Rubios’, the ‘Artiles’, the ‘Trujillos’, the ‘Pardelas’… Each family a nickname, and each village a group of families. Many are known by their family name and some do not even know the reason for their nickname, inherited from their parents, or from their grandparents…Some would claim that these nicknames were a way to hold grudges between different families of sailors. When, where and how did these quarrels start? Nobody recalls now as they all are nowadays a big family, united as a very close-knit group.
The boats, in its turn, even when they hold an official registration number, are singled out amongst the fishermen by the name they ‘baptize’ it with. Picking a name for a boat is no light matter, as over such name somehow rest all the dreams, passions and feelings of those who choose it. Admired personalities, relatives, dreamlands or a great love from the past are only a few examples.