The main economic activity besides fisheries is the restaurant business, where of course fresh fish plays a major role.
Agaete is a busy harbour, not only because of the fishing industry, but also due to the maritime traffic of people and vehicles, as from its quay departs a line connecting Gran Canaria with other nearby islands.
For decades, the rock known as Dedo de Dios (God’s Finger) pointed proudly to the sky. In 2005, an unusually powerful storm named “Delta” blew it down. Yet, the remains of what seems to be a fist is still visible.
The Maipes Archaeological Site is an aboriginal necropolis where the life and burial rituals of the ancient Canarian settlers. It takes its name from the expression “malpaís”, used to describe a wasteland scorched by volcanic lava.
In the Agaete valleys there are also many caves which are known to have been used as dwelling places by the pre hispanic settlers.
There are accounts of the way the aboriginals used to fish in Agaete. They plunged into the water and drove the fish shoals towards fishnets knitted with vegetal fibres. They also beat the sea surface to the same goal.
The delicious and valued Agaete coffee is the only coffee bred in Europe./li>
The Paseo de los Poetas (Poets’ Promenade) is named after three recognized authors from Gran Canaria: Tomas Morales, Saulo Toron and Alonso Quesada.