- What I love the most is being at the fish market downloading our catch completely covered by stuff!
- I have been the Guild’s Secretary since 1989 and my arrival here has nothing to do with my experience in the fishing world because my family comes from the agriculture sector. Still today I wonder why I am here, but what happened was simply that a former Chief Skipper came to me offering the job, although I still don’t know why me.
- The years 95 and 97 were specialy hard in this Guild because there was a big ‘draught’, this is, years without fish. Whereas in 2012 we had a wonderful year and 2014 has also been very good regarding Tuna. That is how fishing is.
- In 2009 a fire destroyed our premises and fishing gear. It was a tough time.
- The Mogan area restaurants offer quality fish, as they buy fresh fish off our Guild.